Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long hair on guys?

Girls, how do you feel about long hair on guys? What should a guy have before it could work for him?

I personally think the guy should be in really good shape, if think if he's kind of fat, it looks WAY stupid. I had long hair once, but I don't know if I'd ever grow it again because I got mistaken for a girl too much. I have a very soft face.

Girls, do you like that whole David Beckham look, like how his hair was before he cut it?

Long hair on guys?

I think it depends on the guy's face. If he isn't so good looking, long hair will make it worse.

Long hair on guys?

don't like it.

Long hair on guys?

totally and completely stupid and gay.

Long hair on guys?

I don't like long hair on guys at all.

Long hair on guys?

I think he should see a hair dresser as soon as possible

Long hair on guys?

I liked the whole David Beckham look.

Long hair on guys?

Long hair on a guy is a complete turn off for me. No way, no how!!

Long hair on guys?

guess i'm just an ole hippy cause if it's clean i really like long hair on guys, excuseme, i dig long hair on...

Long hair on guys?

I don't really care for long hair on a guy but you should do what makes you happy. If a guy likes his hair long more power to him.

Long hair on guys?

I think most men with long hair look hot as long as their not obese. Even just fat, their still hot as long as they have long hair.

Long hair on guys?


i hate long hair on guys!

David B. looks hot with short hair

Long hair on guys?

I don't like long hair on guys. I think it makes them look gayish.

Long hair on guys?

i like guys with hair down to their necks not to be like stupid but have u ever seen nat wolffs hair recently that is how i like guys hair (basicly surfer hair)

Long hair on guys?

your face has to be right for it, example, orlando bloom totally made it work :-)

Long hair on guys?

i have always liked long hair on guys. and no do not like him

Long hair on guys?

It really depends on the guy. Some can really pull it off well, but most look stupid and in need of a haircut. Just as long as it's clean and well groomed, I'm fine with long hair on a guy if it looks good on him.

Long hair on guys?

It is soooooo annoying! Guys in my school look like they are having neck spasms when they flick their hair out of their faces like every 2 seconds! Try to style your hair with your bangs combed to the front.

Long hair on guys?

sexy, I love guys with long guys!

Long hair on guys?

it worked for 80's rocker guys, but now...i'm not sure. it does take a certain type of guy, but it can look good if he does it right.

Long hair on guys?

well i LOVE long hair on guys but not the long long hair. have u ever heard of matthew lush or william beckett??? thats the kind of hair i want for a guy. but only if their thin cuz it doesnt work for guys that are like chubby (no offense ppl).

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