Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Should I cut off my long hair and get a cleancut haircut?

I'm a man with very long hair

Should I cut off my long hair and get a cleancut haircut?

There are several advantages to short hair for guys:

1) It's VERY easy to maintain. I haven't so much as bought a bottle of shampoo in more than ten years.

2) No bed-head.

3) It looks more conservative, which can help you get a job or advance in your career, depending on what you do. It's unfortunate, but people do judge a book by its cover!

4) Depending on the kind of work you do, long hair might be a safety or health issue.

5) If you get it cut you could probably donate it to locks of love or a similar organization.

The disadvantages:

1) You'll need a haircut more often. I get mine done every two weeks. Find an old fashioned barber for best results. Or get your wife/girlfriend/friend to do it with a set of clippers--it's not hard.

2) People use their hair to make personal statements. You may be ready for a change in what strangers and acquaintances think about you, but that can be bad as well as good, depending on the kind of friends you have. Remember, people judge a book by its cover!

3) Get a hat--it gets cold in winter!

4) If you don't like it it will take a LONG time to grow back.

On balance, I've had a high and tight since I was in the Army ten years ago, and I love it. I think it looks good and is easy to take care of. Before that I had medium long hair which I really didn't like. Best thing about having it short is how much simpler and easy it is to look after.

If you've never had it short before, I'd say give it a try and see if you like it.

Should I cut off my long hair and get a cleancut haircut?

Keep the long hair. Just get it trimmed. Girls like a man with long hair.

Should I cut off my long hair and get a cleancut haircut?

the question is "do you want to cut off your long hair?" are you doing this for someone else? if so you may not be happy with the results.

Should I cut off my long hair and get a cleancut haircut?

I'm a man with hair longer than most women with long hair, it is really long. I could not even think about cutting mine.

Should I cut off my long hair and get a cleancut haircut?

Leave it long! Not toooo long but pretty long.

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