When i say long i mean SUPER long like down to my butt. I haven't cut it for four years (my mom won't let me..i'm 15) so i'm trying to convince her and she won't seem to listen to me. so tell me, what are some DISADVANTAGES FOR LONG HAIR, and what are some ADVANTAGES for short hair?? THANKS!
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
long hair:
takes longer to wash
makes your neck hot
gets in the way
gets knots in it
short hair:
doesn't take long to wash
is easy to brush
keeps you cool
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Long hair is usually more dried, and well, dead-looking.
Because the nutrients need to get through your whole hair, short hair will be able to get that silky, shiny, healthy look since the nutrients are able to reach it.
For long hair, it's harder to do that.
Plus, short hair is more manageable and you feel more weight lost off you in a way.
ALSO, having long hair CAN result in back pains.
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
long hair is easily tangled! and short hair is easy to maintain. oh and plus when you have longer hair it cost more to style! so good luck!
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
-*for me* it is easier to maintain because my hair is wavy and super long.
-you can style it in lots of ways. especially if you got bangs
-*for me* harder to maintain
- :)
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
The most obvious one is like the amount of time it takes to wash, dry and style long hair compared to short hair. You could play on this by saying to your mom like it would take me so much less time to get ready in the mornings for school if my hair was shorter! My hair being long also gets caught alot in things like necklaces, buttons and is very easily tangled. Look you're 15 and it's YOUR hair, so its YOUR choice. When I was your age, I would have just rebelled! That's what being a teenager is about. Also being this age your hair will probably grow back faster, so cutting it is only a tempory change.
p.s below so not true and long hair is hot! Lice does not depend on hair length, they live on your scalp no matter how long or short hair is!
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
some disadvantages would be is that you could get lice quickly and it is pretty hard to take care of so long hair. Some advantages for short hair is that you won't exactly get lice like people who have long hair. Also people with long hair look ridiculus nobody really likes them I think you should get a haircut otherwise you are going to get lice. Hope this helped
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Long hair cons -
Very hard to maintain properly -
More expensive as more product needs to be used -
Much harder to style -
Takes much longer to style -
Can look ratty if unkept -
Annoying in sports activities -
Far more prone to split ends -
Short hair pro's
Much easier to style -
Cost effective -
Time efficient -
Heaps of cute short styles -
Easier to keep healthy (no more split ends) -
A nice change -
I mean, long hair has its pro's aswell! but maybe you should negotiate with your mum and see if she will meet you half way and get it cut up to your mid back with some layers to give you the feeling of much shorter hair! hopefully she'll understand. x
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Long hair is easy to shut in the car door.
Short hair isn't.
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Getting it caught on things and loosing your nice hair style. Having to wash it a lot and a breathing ground for lice. If you need to dye your super long hair, it will take a long time and a lot of money to do so.
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Hmmm...ok long hair takes a lot more work and time to maintain...whereas shorter hair is super convenient. Also, sadly, people are always stereotyping people. People who see girls with hair as long as yours may impulsively compare you to someone very religious, even someone from a cult (where all girls have really long hair), an Indian girl, or simply as an older-fashioned type girl. I may be totally off with these but I'm trying. By being stuck to a hair style you're not fond of, the message and style you portraying is not at all personal to who you are. For example, a flirty, sassy, girly girl may very possibly have shorter, fun, blonde hair. Or a sophisticated girl may have shoulder-length, darker straight hair. Know what I mean? So whatever your personality is, and who you are as a person should show in every part of you...including your hair cut.
Good luck!
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
i've always had long hair and it can cause migrains..i used to get them then i cut my hair shorter not super short and i don't get them anymore..also less shower time, so saving hot water. Good luck
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
long hair takes forever to brush
takes longer to wash
*can* add time to your morning prep to leave for school (I say can because short hair can take a lot of attention too.)
there are fewer style choices (pony tail, bun, braid, down.)
long hair clogs the drain
more money spent on shampoo/ conditioner/ water for longer showers
I used to have very long hair like yours, but I keep mine shoulder length now. have you tried a compromise like mid back length? then you can get shorter after a few months. remember- you will have a slight shock when you cut off all of your hair. (it goes away. :)
how about you just give your mom the reason "It is my head. I am getting older and can make decision for myself. how about you let me do this and I won't get my lip pierced."
what would she do- i mean really- if you just came home one day with short hair??
what ever you do- when you cut your hair, give it to locks of love. great organization!
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Long hair get caught in car doors
You have to use more products, so more $$
Takes longer to dry, so you might have to go out with wet hair, which could make you sick and miss school
Takes longer to style
It falls out and gets in your food
Gets stuck to your lipgloss
Attracts wierdos with long hair fetishes
Sheds and is all over the house
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
Have you tried to convince her that you can cut it and donate it to people with cancer?
What are the Disadvantages of having long hair?
gurl! your hair is hottt!
dont worry, ill convince ur mama~
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