He says he has a hair fetish and that its harmless. It started with him just trimming my hair. I held back the tears when he cut my long hair into a crop with clippers and then I broke down when he shaved my head completely. I'm worried now because he said he wants to keep me this way. I feel so unfeminine with short hair and I think I look a fool. Wearing a wig when its warm is so uncomfiortable. I have two children nd no income so I'm afraid to leave him. Everyone thinks I am ill,Is this fetish normal? I feel so afraid
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
This is not a fetish, this is a control issue! You need to get away from him asap! He is using the hair issue as a control technique to keep you from leaving him. Trust me, get yourself and your children away from this person!!!
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Don't believe him. Dump him, and go to a barber!
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
tell him you feel terribly uncomfortable with this and if he doesn't allow you to grow it back, you'll have to think seriously whether you can carry on with your relationship. it sounds like he's got a mental disorder if this turns him on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weirdo!!!!!!!!!
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
This is abnormal. I think you should consult a clinical psychologist or a counselor.
And do not let him do anything which is uncomfortable for you.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
No it's your hair and you should have it how you want. Your Fiance is really not a nice man and you need to get away. If he cared about you he would never do that to you. You shouldn't be afraid to leave him you can go to family or claim benefits until you get your feet on the ground. Be strong, you'll be happier in the long run.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Well if you really love him sacrificing your hair for a secure home and love is not much to ask. Why don't you make it a fun thing for him?, Let is grow for a few months and then surprise him some night by having clippers and scissors sitting out and let him shave you by the fire. Wearing wigs can be fun as well, pick some nice ones and don't be afraid, indulge the one you love don't hold back from him. Remember its just hair, keep your man! This is perfectly normal... www.haircut.net
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Its your hair do with it what you like don't let you partner tell you what to do i wouldn't. If he doesn't like it he knows where the front door is.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
you must of lost your marbels, what will he want you to do next time.
Dump him
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
That does not sound normal. R U N as fast as you can away from that!
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
It sounds to me that he is using this fetish to claim you. Many people in some old fashion cultures require women to shave their heads after their husband's death because a woman without hair is not feminine or beautiful and therefore won't be looked by others and thus are forced to live a particular type of lifestyle... my point is I think he may be doing it so that you don't leave him...
If he has a fetish with hair, then why would he ask you to shave it off? Shouldn't it be the opposite...I mean let's say you love icecream, then wouldn't you get more icecream because you love, instead of none? I recommend you tell your husband that since he already has your locks that you will let you locks grow now and allow him only to continue trimming it one it is very long ( a specific length is a good idea, like when your hair is 1 foot long...he should be allowed to trim 6 inches, but that's it).
A fetish doesn't have to be so degrading...unless it's mutual.
Another thing is maybe you can make it a mutual thing...I mean tell him to grow out his hair and you grow out yours and you both cut each other's hair, once you remove majority of his hair ask him how he feel (I say shave him bald!) and see what happens...sometimes guys don't understand things when you say it to them so you have to show them and since many men are afraid of being bald...shaving his head so that it looks like he is bald in the middle and has the side hair is still growing may make him see how you feel ...
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
You wanna know why he cut your hair?So he can CONTROL you he did this because he thinks if your bald no other guy is gonna look at you or u wont cheat on him.He has issues with your relationship trust issues and probaly self conscience esspecially if you are a pretty girl.Why would you let him cut your hair in the first place.You need to talk with him and find out why.Im sorry but i dont know men that want there girlfriend to be bald he dosent have a hair fetish how when he shaved it off.If he had a hair fetish hed want it long and flowing.Dont listen to that BS let your hair grow out and never ever let him even touch it again.And you guys need to really have a nice long talk
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
The fact that you broke down completely when he shaved your head and yet he insists on you keeping it that way speaks volumes about the kind of person that he is - a cruel, dominating, insensitive brute of a man. Strong words maybe, but considering what he has put you through, not entirely unjustifiable. To me, this is no fetish, but just one of several ways of humiliating another human being - and that too his fiancee! I'm not sure why though. Perhaps he feels more 'secure' this way; perhaps he 'gets his kicks' from humiliating you; maybe he knows that you can't afford to leave him and thinks he can do and get away with whatever he likes - the bottom-line is that it is hard for me to see how a person can do such a thing to someone s/he loves. What is more worrying however, is that you fear leaving him because of your kids and not having any income. It is also apparent that you are afraid of directly confronting him about it otherwise you wouldn't have been writing in here. Share your problems with your close friends and see what they have to say. My suggestion is that if at this point you are already afraid and being subjected to such humiliation then it is hardly likely to get any better with time. So, leaving him may be the 'least worst' option as spending a lifetime with such a person is not worth it at all. Goodluck and I sincerely hope it works out ok for you.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Please please get away from this man, get in a shelter anything you have to do, for your kids sake get away, take them with you. Any man that would do that to you knowing how you feel is a controlling person. If you are afraid now imagine how afraid you will be when you are his wife, and if you feel that way, how do your children feel
Don't stay there for finances, there is help out there, even if you take your kids and run to the nearest church, hospital anywhere. Please go. I've worked in women's shelters and was in an abusive relationship myself, your in my prayers and good luck.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
You know that your hair will grow back and I think your Fiance did it becasue so guys will not look at U. I might be wrong, If my wife to cut her hair and I would but If I asked her if want shaved and if she said no then I respect that.
I can't believe he did that and want you look like that. I think that he did it because afraid that he will lose you. It should been better way than that. Not to worry let them know, you are not ill and my Fiance cut my hair shaved. Be honest with people and they will say my gosh Fiance stupid.
Just don't let it get to you and be glad it will grow again and I know it going to be a long long time to grow but think Postive. After you do have hair and you need to find job and then work and then when you do have income and then move out. If he gets mad at you for not shaved your head then tell him sorry this is my body and If you don't like it find someone else make sure before you do, make sure you have full custody of both children and Reason is that if you told him that he will divorce so you can prepare it right now make sure you take picture and show the lawyer and they will show the judge will look at it will know why.
You are beautiful from inside out. Don't let him control telling you what to do.
Hope this helps. smiling.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
he just wants you to feel bad about your self, so that he can feel good, because hes insecure and wants to be the best when he cant. because he knows that your beautifal and can get better then that, dont allow him to programme your mind to think that way.
you deserve so much more better then that head shaver, why put up with it? make a choice and stick with it, u dont need him he needs you more and do not forget that, he jelouse, insecure and messed in the head. he has no right to do that to a women.
and this is no type of love this is control, and jelousy, break away from him ASAP , but be clever and sly dont do it suddenly , men like that can be evil please be careful.
take care XXXX
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Do you like your hair this way? If not, he's trying to turn you into someone you aren't. This will eventually turn into what you can wear, eat, who you can talk to or not, where you can go. Need to define with him what he's attempting to do cause ain't no fool shaving my head whether I love him or not.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
He is ******' crazy!! Sorry about the vocabulary, its not like me to get verbal like this but I would kick him in his nuts if he ever went near my hair. Why did you let him do that to you??? Have some pride and leave him, he is a control freak. But before you do, tell him you'd like to shave all his pubes off and dip his bits in vinegar!!! See if he likes that. Especially if you cut him accidentally-on-purpose and then let him have a dip!
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
would he do something so extreme for you?
ask him if he would do something that you like - then you'll know...
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
no- no- no- dont let this person treat you like this he is controling you, it is because he is taking away your identidy-and confidence get rid of him he dont love you,
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Dinny do it just 4 him - do wot u want 4 urself!!! if he wants a bald heed 2 admire - tell him 2 shave his own and look in the mirror!!!! :-)
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
this is anything but normal - he sounds like a controlling freak who doesn't want anyone else to look at you!
you do have choices - be brave and leave him. what if he started being violent to you or worse to the kids - would you still stay?
I feel so sorry for you and feel sure if you left you would find a way to manage - one day you will meet someone who loves you as you are.
good luck and remember you are worth more than this and I wish you lots of future happiness.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Hey Nina,
It is hard to determine what is normal. Just because most women have long hair does that make them normal? or is that just them following what is popular in society? Guys like all kinds of hair - yes maybe more like long, but lots like short, punky, blonde, black, pink, mohawk, dreadlock, and some even bald.
Your husbands attraction to you being bald isn't unusual. Check out this website,
This site is full of males and females who either like this look, or have a partner who likes this look. You can view pictures of all sorts of girls who have gone blad on their own or by the help of another. It is very rare that a girl regrets it - quite often they feel more confident not hiding under hair, they look more beautiful exposing feature like eyes, smile and ears that were not as pronounced.
Also check out this site
It is a site where people list things they want to achieve - travel, get married, shave head - whatever. Anyways you can read personal accounts of girls who have fulfilled this goal. Most reccomend doing it. What I can say though is in order to let you bald beauty shine through - it helps to dress extra feminine, wear nice earings and makeup .
Now this all being said if you can see after you check out those sites that bald women are just as normal as anyone else, and men who like them are normal too, what is not good is how your fiance doesn't seem to concerned with your feelings. I think it is cool you did what you did to fulfill a desire of his, maybe you need to keep it for a little while to have it grow on you, or dress and do your makeup in a way to compliment it, but what needs to change most of all is how your finace communicates his desire to you. It seems like he expects this from you and doesn't see it as a personal sacrifice from you to him. You need to want to do this either for yourself, or for him -- because turning him on turns you on. But don't do it out of fear or force. There is no beauty in that. Maybe there is something he wouldn't normally do that you want him to do. Share that desire with him and see if he wants to suprise and impress you too. Relationships can be about sacrifices, but both people have to think that way otherwise one turns into a push over and feels forced.
I hope we hear more about how things go. I am sure you look great, but you have to think so too.
I let my Fiance cut my hair and now he wants me to keep my head shaved should I let him?
Don't do anything you dont want to do. Think of your kids, they will think its right to do as your man tells you just to keep them happy. Do what you want to do. Get him to have the wigs to play with if he has a fetish, grow your hair again, feel like the woman you deserve to be! Good luck.
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