One of the girls in my daughters class had long hair. Well today no more. She cut off her long ponytail in class today. I would be upset if it was my daughter. Wouldnt you? They are only 5 years of age. Oh and i dont think the teacher can be blamed. By that age they need to be working with scissors. What do others think?
Kids cutting hair?
I wouldn't be too upset, its just hair it grows back. My daughter had long pretty hair and practically cut off one side of her head while I was in the shower. No biggie, just cut her real short and went on with life. Hair is hair :)
Kids cutting hair?
**** happens
Kids cutting hair?
All four of my kids cut their hair at or around 5 years old. It's part of their "claiming independence."
Kids cutting hair?
When I was quite young (4-6 y/o), my cousin cut off one of my pigtails with a green Fisher-Price scissors. I should ask my mom if she was upset about it. I can't remember it bothering me at all. It'll grow back, that's what I always say. I hope that my daughters will follow my lead and grow their hair out long in order to have it chopped and donated to Locks of Love.
Kids cutting hair?
Wow - I thought Kindergarteners use safety scissors - not the real thing with edges sharp enough to cut your hair! I would be upset - that my daughter did something that is unsanitary to do in a classroom and didn't talk about it with me first - even if she is only 5. But, 5 year olds do the unexpected at times and that's a part of childhood. I would hope my daughter might come to me at home and say - "mom, I'd like short hair for a change" - rather than do this! But, oh well - I'd get over it quickly and take her to the salon to fix it so it looks nice.
Kids cutting hair?
Talk to her. Tell her it would bother you if she did that sort of thing. Kids that age do not think of tomorrow or even later that day, like explaining to mommy or daddy why they cut their bangs off at the roots. *That was me at 4) Every child has tried it, all three of mine did it. I did it. I have a lovely picture of my mother with bald patches and the biggest smile you have ever seen as an adorable 3 yr old. lol
Kids cutting hair?
Why should you be upset, its really normal and its not harmful. Ok, i would be a little conserned that they had access and were using sharp hair-cutting scissors at the age of 5, but other then that I think it's just self expression and they're curious. I don't know, but I don't think I would be upset.
Kids cutting hair?
No..I would not be's just grows back. My daughter did this at 5...many kids do this. It's just one of those things you have to laugh about.
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