Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do guys like girls with long hair?

Well I have long brown hair that goes down to the middle of my back. A lot of people say my hair is pretty, and the guys are like "omg your hair is so long!"

Is it a compliment....?

Or should I cut it shorter?

Do guys like girls with long hair?

Dont try and change yourself for people who dont appreciate you for who you are

Do guys like girls with long hair?

i think long hairs sexy aslong as its in good condition and not all gross

if u like it keep it dnt get it cut shorter

Do guys like girls with long hair?

Who cares what guys think?! Keep your hair exactly how YOU like it.

P.S. I know that sounds cliche, but it is totally true!!!!!

Do guys like girls with long hair?

You could ask the guys when they say it! It would be a cute way to flirt with them! "So, is that a compliment, like you really dig this, or are you just stating the obvious?" Use it as a topic of conversation.

Do guys like girls with long hair?

long hair is very hottt! i like this girl and she has long hair!!!

rememebr when u have long hair, the boys u like pull it more often!

Do guys like girls with long hair?

Depends on the man, but most like long hair. Hair is what makes us beautiful and feminine. Why do you think women cry their eyes out when they get a bad hair do? How much shorter are you having it? How long is it now? Wil short hair suit your face shape? I only suit long.

Do guys like girls with long hair?

long hair is pain in the butt for guys becasue it gets in the way while making out, it gets in the mouth, it gets in your clothes, it leaves hair in our bedroom, it leaves a mess in the bathroom and you can't see your sexy neck

Do guys like girls with long hair?

i like girls with hair that goes about to the chest area

Do guys like girls with long hair?

I have long hair too..From my experience most guys like long hair..There are times when I say I want it cut off, they all have said no...just get a trim...It is a huge compliment...You do what you want, a trim now and then keeps it healthy...

Do guys like girls with long hair?

they love it, they just looking for somewhere to start a conversation.

Do guys like girls with long hair?

Do not cut your hair unless your growing it for charity. Guys adore long hair. At least I do.

Do guys like girls with long hair?

Hair???? Well it really adds a new feature. It would give me more to play with like moving it to the side while you blowing. or pulling while is the doggy style position or I could just brush it even tie you to the bed post...girl it is so much

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